TRAINING within the licensed trade has never been more important and the SLTA’s new online courses – designed to make it as easy as possible while also saving time and money – is already being well received by members.
Courses are now available on the SLTA website following the official launch of the initiative by Jim Grierson, chairman of the SLTA’s non-executive board, at the association’s AGM in March.
The timing of the launch coincides perfectly for personal licence holders whose licences expire on August 31 – the deadline for renewal is May 31.
SLTA’s online package offering Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holder (SCPLH) and SCPLH Refresher training alongside various compliance modules is now available, and business owners and managers are urged to sign up staff sooner rather than later.
Colin Wilkinson, SLTA managing director, said: “If your personal licence was issued on or before September 1, 2009 you need to act now – please don’t leave it too late.
“Our online training facility is quick and easy to use, and also extremely cost-effective – the module takes just a few hours to complete and contains a host of interactive features, designed to appeal to all learning styles.
An SQA-accredited personal licence holder handbook is also provided to accompany your learning and may be used during the study period, prior to sitting the exam within a Pearson Vue test centre.
“We are also offering the mandatory two-hour training for staff working in licensed premises, which is available free to SLTA members.
“Courses currently available include Health & Safety, Food Safety, and Food Allergens – more will be added in due course and we invite members to tell us what their training requirements are so we can tailor our offer accordingly.”
Personal licence holders are required to undergo refresher training every five years and send the training certificate to the relevant Licensing Board.
The SLTA’s online training facility has been launched in partnership with Edinburgh-based Flow Hospitality Training. “We are very grateful to Flow for their support – their expertise is second to none – and also to Jim Grierson, chairman of our non-executive advisory boards, for his sterling efforts in helping to get this much-needed training package up and running for our members.”