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Review Of Scottish Personal Licence Holder Qualifications

Review of Scottish Personal Licence Holder qualifications

The Scottish Personal Licence Holder qualifications, required by anyone holding a personal licence in Scotland to authorise the sale of alcohol, or manage or supervise in premises where alcohol is sold, are currently undergoing an independent review to ensure they are fit for purpose and add value to businesses.

Skills and quality assurance specialist, People 1st International, has been contracted by the Scottish Government to undertake the review, which is currently under way.

Operators, training providers, awarding organisations and other stakeholders across the licensed retail industry are being invited to ensure the views of the industry are heard and incorporated into the revised standards.

Ultimately, the aim is to transform them into simple, fit for purpose qualifications that provide individuals with a professional development standard – as well as meeting licensing legislation.

Having already conducted the first phase of the review process working with an industry steering group and gaining initial views via an online consultation, People 1st International then conducted a series of focus groups to discuss the detail of the qualification content with experienced operators.

People 1st International will continue to work with trade bodies to gather the views of their members over the next few weeks.

The final stage of the review is now under way to gather views on the revised qualification content from the wider industry. Your views are critical. Please get involved and have your say on the proposed content of the revised standard by accessing the survey here.

People 1st International will be submitting the revised standard to the regulator, SQA Accreditation, for approval in October 2019 and the plans are for the new qualifications to be available in May 2020.

SLTA President-Elect Stephen Montgomery, from The Townhead Hotel in Lockerbie, sits on the People 1st group.

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