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Nominate today

We have many talented individuals who make the bar industry in Scotland a great place to work and in conjunction with the Scottish Bartenders Network, the SLTA are celebrating this talent.

Each month we will be awarding an individual the title of ‘Bartender of the Month’ and these winners will go on to compete for the title of the ‘Bartender of the Year’ at the 2017 Scottish Bartenders Network awards, held in October. During each month we invite nominations from peers, colleagues, friends and customers and the winner will be announced at the start of the following month. The winner will be given their chance to tell us all about themselves and their hopes for their future as well as being given a bottle courtesy of our monthly sponsor to create a unique serve with and this insight and creation featured here on the SLTA site as well as being broadcast across the social media channels of the SBN and the monthly sponsor.

To submit your nomination please tell us who you think is deserving of this recognition and help us by giving as much information as possible on them. The experienced panel will have the task of deciding the winner from all the entries in that month and the winner contacted before the announcement.

Tick here if you are a PLH holder

Tick here if you would like complimentary professional registration

January 2017 – sponsor is ‘Minus 33’ by a young Scotland based start up called LoCa Labs.

‘Minus 33’ – Juniper Distilled Spirit

The aim was simple, we set out to create a naturally smooth, great tasting spirit that didn’t compromise on quality and flavour and following a process of careful experimentation, we found that when we reduced the usual alcohol level found in the average Gin by 33% to 33% ABV our jurors preferred the taste. After fat, alcohol is the second most dense form of consumable energy and many producers add processed sugars to spirits until they achieve a smoothness that counteracts the burning taste of alcohol. The Minus 33 recipe removes the use of refined sugars in favour of naturally sweet, naturally low calorie botanicals such as liquorice root and adopts a delicate distillation process to retain smoothness. Flavour was at the forefront of our development the lower strength not only delivered that in abundance but it also saves a few calories – we of course recommend using lower sugar mixers and replacing sugar with Agave syrup in Minus 33 Cocktails!

Geek fact: You’ll notice the bottle doesn’t say Gin, not that it’s not made in a Gin Distillery by a Gin Distiller (which is it and by one of the best) but that at below 37.5% ABV it can’t be labelled as such

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