The STA, along with the British Hospitality Association and the Scottish Licensed Trade Association wrote to the First Minister and other Ministers demanding a need for a review of the business rates revaluation which for many of our members will have a significant negative impact on their business.
We, along with representatives from the BHA and the SLTA will meet with Scottish Government Cabinet Ministers Derek Mackay and Keith Brown, this Wednesday, to present the coalition’s views and concerns on the new proposed Commercial Rateable Values for the hospitality industry in Scotland.
The issue is now of nationwide concern and we will be citing this, in addition to the knock on effect it will bring to many other businesses large and small, in all sectors and all communities.
We will be asking the Cabinet Secretaries for the new revaluations to be held off until the Barclay Review is issued and we will also insist that the process followed by the Assessors and the range and extent of increases are also reviewed before Barclay reports.
It is clear from the responses we have had from industry that there are many business that are simply not able to shoulder the increased costs that come into effect from April pending an appeal.
It is imperative that we are in a position to present robust evidence to those that we meet and your response will help strengthen the case for a review.
Please, if you have not done so already, complete our 2 min survey to allow us the best possible opportunity to bring about the necessary change in the proposed business rates system we are all asking for.
We also wrote to the Convener of the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee in the Scottish Parliament requesting that an opportunity to present the evidence gathered on the rates issues is given.
We will be presenting oral evidence on the 6th March to the Barclay Commission, currently reviewing Scottish Business Rates. (This review will however, not be completed until after this revaluation period).
Thank you in advance – your response will help strengthen the case for review. We need your voice to be heard.
Click here to complete the survey.