Are you passionate about your business and Scotland’s tourism assets? If you are then please have your say on Scotland’s tourism strategy.
A Strategy Steering Group (SSG) has been charged by the Tourism Leadership Group with the development of Scotland’s National Tourism Strategy “Beyond 2020”.
Part of this has included commissioning a review of the current strategy – Tourism Scotland 2020 – and economic development consultants ekosgen have been appointed by Scottish Enterprise to undertake this review.
An important part of this review is to gather views from tourism businesses on the performance of their business and the wider sector they operate in, and to better understand to what extent the national and/or local strategies have impacted on this performance.
The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete. All answers are completely confidential and will not be passed on to any third parties. Responses will be aggregated to ensure that no one individual organisation is identifiable.
Take the survey online here